Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Most of you know, but Darrin and I are Blazer scout leaders. That is eleven year olds. Anyway, to be honest, I wasn't quite sure why they called me. I know NOTHING about tying knots, first aid, and overnighters. I could teach them about how to get chicks, but unfortunately that's not in the cirriculum :).

It's a lot different from young women's! In young women's we work on personal progress once a month and we're on our own the rest of the time. In scouts, it's hard core work, work, work. Not really any time for play because you're too busy gettiing all the requirements done.

But last night I think we all had a great time. We worked on swimming requirements and everyone showed up (including someone new for the first time)! That was fantastic! While we were waiting for one of the boys and the other leader to show up, we played a guessing game. They were talking about various people's ages and I asked how old they thought Darrin and I were. They each had their guess for me: 35, 25, 38, 23, 40!!! Ahhhh! Do I really look that old? Haha. When we told them my true age they were shocked! When I was that age I guess I just though adults were OLD though :)

After we got the requirements passed off for swimming we just played around. Darrin and I organized a game of "Hands up Stands up". NOT ONE OF THEM KNEW WHAT THAT WAS!!! Can you believe it? Who doesn't know what hands up stands up is? Anyway, we had a lot of fun playing once we explained the rules.

On the way home, they were all talking about the election. I was SHOCKED at how knowledgable they were about it! They were discussing Sarah Palin, how young McCain's wife is (they said "did you know that his wife is like 20?!?")haha. And then they were talking about which states had whos votes, who they predicted to win etc. I was so impressed about how much they knew.

So, those were our highlights from scouts last night. What great boys! And most of them are so polite! These mini gentlemen that I can just tell that they're going on to do great things, be amazing missionaries and husbands someday.


Cindy Lou Who said...

Wow Trisha, what a great attitude you have about a challenging calling. I am SOOO PROUD OF YOU!!! By the way, how long were you able to do the handstand in the water?

Marta Nielsen said...

So fun! On John McCain's wife: she is really young! They met at a party in Hawaii (he was still married to his first wife, sad story) and they both lied about their age. He said he was 10 years younger, she said she was 10 years older. So there you go! 20 year age difference. Your scouts ARE smart.

Kelly Jean said...

Wow, that's fun! What a cool experience... and that's so funny that they didn't know what hands up stands up was!!! Seriously!? Wow... soon people are gonna be like "Ninja-what??" "What are BARBIES?" ha ha. Okay, maybe not. But who knows.

Tamara said...

What the crap is hands up stands up? Is it like heads up 7 up? I've never heard of it before. You look 20. You act 30. My mother was very impressed with you and wants you to do her hair again when she's out here in the spring!