Thursday, September 20, 2012

Self Improvement

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm going to be very honest. I don't excersize. I've never had to watch what I eat-so I don't. I skip over all the heathy pins on pinterest thinking I'll never do it anyway. I LOVE desserts. I LOVE baking. I've never been a calorie counter (still never plan on it). I just plain have never really worried or worked on my health or wellbeing. Not intentionally at least.

When I had Parker I was slow to loose the baby weight but when he was about 7 or 8 months old, I just started shedding pounds and I got down to 113 lbs. (11 lbs lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight). I was able to do this without really trying. Well, I was going to walking group 3 times a week (a ward walking group at the Granite high school track) and walking for long periods of time but that's it. I mostly did it as a social aspect-not really because I wanted to loose weight-although that would be an added bonus. I didn't watch what I ate-I didn't do anything else. I just started shedding pounds and felt great about it. I was able to fit into size 1-3 pants and it was great! But it didn't happen immediately after Parker was born or anything.

After my pregnancy with Spencer, again, it hasn't been happening overnight or anything. But I have 10 pounds I'd like to loose but honestly haven't cared a ton. I know I just had a baby 5.5 months ago and I need to be patient and hopefully I'll shed pounds later.

I obviously would love to have washboard abs, I would love to look fit, I would love to be healthier. BUT I feel like I have WAY too much on my plate to have to WORRY about being healthy. I just feel like it'd be one more thing to worry about. And there's not enough time in the day to excersize. I can't explain how hard it is to excersize with two kids. And there's no way I'm waking up at 5am before they wake up to excersize. And I don't want to waste my precious time in the evening I have with Darrin to excersize. Nap time-that's my ONLY alone time I have ALL DAY LONG... No thanks!

So then my sister in law Melissa emailed me and some other women (her sister and some of my sister in laws) and asked if we would be interested in doing a program to become healthier. My first thought-NOPE-DELETE! The program she wanted to do seemed way too hard for me and the devil on my shoulder told me-"you don't care-you don't need to care-too hard-not needed". But then it kept picking at my brain. I kept thinking of things I probably should be doing more of but don't. So, together, Melissa and I came up with a program that seemed do-able. I didn't want something where I'd feel guilty or shamed when I didn't choose the right food or had too many calories! We just wanted to make a program that would help us choose good choices. If we didn't-that's OK-but if we did we'd be rewarded. We're each putting in $10 and whomever get's the most "BEANS" (points) wins and gets the money/a gift card.

I'll explain "BEANS" for you :). Every time you do something good from our "LIST" you get "BEANS" (points. We are doing this for a period of 6 weeks. (I got some of the ideas from "8 weeks to a better you" fyi). Here is our List:

1 bean for every 20 min of exercise

3 beans for 45 min or more. Exercise max = 6 beans/day

1 bean for each glass of water (approximately 8oz.) or the equivalent (Max 8/day)

1 bean for each time you choose not to eat junk food when you could have (eg. Soda, candy, chips et.)

1 bean for each balanced meal you prepare for your family –Or for you if you are single.

1 bean every time you eat a serving of fruit

1 bean every time you eat a serving of vegetables

3 beans/day for staying within your calorie goal; or weight watchers points.

*Balanced means variety of nutrients and appropriate food groups

*Low calorie, non carbonated flavored options are okay and count as water (crystal light, light lemonade)

1 bean/day max for each:

-Get AT LEAST 7 hours of sleep a night (if you are short a little just squeeze a nap in to make up for it)

-Write in your journal

-Read something uplifting for at least 15 minutes (this includes scriptures)

-Complete an act of service or random act of kindness. Whether it be a small one or a big one, do something kind for someone else that is out of your normal routine.

-Personal choice: ____________________________

-Personal choice:____________________________

My "personal Choice" bean has included flossing and at the beginning of the day and leaving my house straightened before I go to bed so I can wake up to a clean home.

I printed off the list and put it on my fridge as a reminder. I use noodles instead of beans since I didn't have any beans but I have a jar full of noodles and an empty jar that I add noodles to once I do something off the list.


Seriously, let me just give you some examples about some of the good choices I've been making. My friend Pattyanne took me out to lunch for my birthday. I said NO to SODA and NO to a DESSERT. WHAT?!? Me?!? For my birthday?!? I was impressed at myself and it felt empowering to know that I did have the capability to say no and LIVE :). I have been drinking WAAAYY more water. This was a huge challenge for me before. I don't really like water. If I drink too much I get nauseated. I just don't like it. But I've been able to drink a little at a time throughout the day and be ok :). I've been making some green smoothies and getting a bean for a fruit and vegetable all in one delicious smoothie, I've been EXCERSIZING! Not every day, but about 4 times a week which is AMAZING for me. And last night at Young Women's, we had ice cream cones and I didn't have one!!! Holy moly. Crazy. I haven't cut all desserts out. I'm just trying to have only one per day (super hard for me) and have smaller portions of dessert than I'm used to (mounds and mounds of dessert).

I feel happier. I feel closer to my Heavenly Father. I feel like with his help I'm able to do some of this stuff! I know I could do all of it, but hey, I still have my free agency and I feel like I'm doing great for ME. I think I want to try doing it with my family too. I really like it because you don't HAVE to do all of it. You're not trying to see who LOOSES the most weight. You're just simply trying to self improve with others and get an imediate reward when you CTR (a bean :)). I have lost 3 pounds and we've only been doing it for not quite a couple weeks. I know that you can flucuate weight by 3 pounds in a day-but still-I just am feeling better that I'm trying. I don't calorie count and I'm still not. I feel like doing that would cause me to think about food all day which would backfire. I am more cautious about what I'm eating but not overly. Just eating more fruits and vegetables, less desserts.

For excersize I've been either walking (fast paced with a double stroller) because that's something I can do with my kids or excersize videos (ok-Parker tries to do it with me=hillarious! and Spencer loves to watch and even gives me a laugh when he thinks I look rediculous attempting the moves. haha.

I'm proud of myself :). If you're interested go ahead and do the program with your own families or friends! Adapt it if you want. Let me know if you have any questions.


Unknown said...

I love that you are doing this and that is awesome that the weight falls off you! No fair! Me and Quin altered the challenge too and have been doing it for over a month. We allow ourselves 1 treat a day and we exercise 5 days a week then everything else we do the same. We didn't want to be so strict that we quit and I have lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks and keep dropping which is great. Keep up the hard work!

Chelsea said...

Smart idea lady! I was gonna tell you the other day, those green pants looked awesome on you! I think I'm gonna have to try something like this out once I'm cleared to work out again (ha- as if i ever have)!

Travis and Addie Ohrn said...

I really like this idea. I wonder if I could do it. Maybe if I fill up my jar Travis can go buy me something :)

Heidi Hamilton said...

Sounds like it's been working great for you, sis! Awesome! For me, exercising & eating right is more about my mental health than just losing weight - & it sounds like you've had that, too.
Love you!!

Tiff Meister said...

LOVE IT TRISHA! I'm so proud of the progress you've made. I know how much you like your dessert (almost as much as me) so your rejection of them is quite impressive! :) Let's get one going with our side of the family. Who's in!?!?

Kelly Jean said...

WAY TO GO, TRISH!!!! So proud of you.

I can definitely relate to this post -- I love to bake! I love cookies & brownies & ice cream & cake [not all at the same time, but y'know..]... and exercising has never been something that I've been consistent with. But I love your solution to it all, because it's so simple & empowering! I'm definitely not one to step on the scale or count calories [that would drive me insane..], but I've always loved the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle!

Lately, I've been trying to do something similar to your system -- I have a big mug of water I keep next to me all day [with a straw, which helps me drink more water in one sip {or so they say..}], I've been doing Pilates [on youtube] everyday & try to go for more walks, I try to eat healthy during the day & save my "dessert" for night... even if I'm not the skinniest gal on the block, I don't care! I feel better about myself cause I feel like I'm trying to live a healthy LIFESTYLE... and really, that's all we can do :) I love it! Anyway. Thanks for sharing! It motivates me to keep trying :)