Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best Weekend EVER!

We had an AWESOME, spontaneous, fun-filled weekend! On Wednesday our good friends Cory and Pattyanne in the ward invited us to go on a last minute trip to their cabin in Bear Lake! Uh..."HECK YA!". Then on Thursday, Darrin's brother called and asked if we wanted to go to Lava Hot Springs for the night! Uh..."HECK YA!". So, we packed our bags and headed to Lava Hot Springs with Darrin's family. We went tubing down the river, went to the Olympic pool with slides and HIGH platforms, went to the HOT springs, went out to eat for dinner, and then headed to Bear Lake.
Once we got to Bear Lake and got settled in the SUPER NICE cabin RIGHT ON THE LAKE, we watched "Zoolander". It was "ridiculously, ridiculously, ridiculously" hilarious if you know what I mean. Ok I'll give you a hint...he is "ridiculously, ridiculously, ridiculously good looking!" haha. But, I fell asleep mid-way, so it was lights out.
The next day was filled with good food, good friends, wakeboarding, games, relaxing on the beach, then back out to go tubing behind the boat, went out to get burgers and fudge raspberry shakes (YUM!!!), made a fire, roasted smores and starburst (not gonna lie-not a fan of the roasted starburst...), launched bottle rockets (SO much fun! Especially shooting them in different ways toward the lake!), and played the “Have you ever…” game.
I had the most fun Tubing then I ever have! It was windy, making the lake choppy, making us fly and get SPRAYED like crazy from the lake. A BLAST!
The whole trip was just a ton of fun and I’m so glad we were able to do all of that! I love our family and friends! Yay for amazing summer weekends!


Heidi Hamilton said...

DANG! That DOES look like fun! Next time, we want an invite, too! ;)
Love you!

Kelly Jean said...

Oh my. SO MUCH FUN!!!! I'll cheers to that.

Rose said...

Sounds like a ton of fun. I have not done anything like that in years. It looked like Parker enjoyed it he is lucky to have parents like you guys. Always taking pictures and doing things with him. He will cherish these moments later.