Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Trials in Life

It makes me sick just to post these pictures, but I figure it's a part of my life and I should share it. When I was a senior in high school, I had everything going for me. I was a Student Body Officer, I had my high school boyfriend, I was in Cosmetology School, Murray City Youth Government, Church related activities etc. I was loving life. It was a bit overloaded but nice. I started to get horrible stomach pains. And when I say horrible, I mean horrible. I was in and out of the ER with pain, nausea, vomiting and dehydration. They then decided to hospitalize me. I was in and out of the hospital (weeks at a time) for four months. Test after test after test. Blood tests, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, MRI, stomach emptying, etc. You name it-I had it! After many tests they came to the conclution that I had Mono, a type of hepatitis, gastroparesis (a disorder of the digestive system. Delayed emptying into the stomach. My body cannot digest many foods. This =PAIN when I eat something I shouldn't and I'm still trying to find out what those things are!), and my gallbladder wasn't working properly and needed to be removed.

My boyfriend dumped me, the hospital limited visitors (INCLUDING FAMILY) from 6-8pm, and I was in constant pain.

I actually wouldn't trade this period of my life for anything though. I learned A LOT! Medically, mentally and spiritually. I felt completely alone. This is when I came to the realization and truth that I relied heavily on my family, friends, and boyfriend for love. Where did my Father in Heaven come into play? I learned to rely upon my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ first and foremost.

I am thankful for the trials that life brings. They are SO difficult to deal with, and I'm still dealing with the medical complications of this trial, but God would NEVER give me anything I couldn't handle and it gives me strength to know that I can get through this and so much more.

Sheesh...child birth should be no problem!


Heidi Hamilton said...

COUGH, COUGH. Sorry, that last line just threw me for a bit of a loop. I remember having an ear infection that hurt SO bad (it burst) that I thought the same thing - after this, childbirth should be no problem. Anyway, sorry chika, but natural childbirth tops all.
Anyway, I did love your post. It took me back - even though it wasn't that long ago. I hope we can figure out the right combination for you so you don't get sick so much. Did you get all those pics from the CD I made you for Christmas? LOVE YOU!

Tamara said...

Oh Trisha, I feel so bad for what you've gone through! I'm so happy that you're part of the family now, and Darrin can take good care of you!

Love you sis,
P.S. Childbirth rocks. After having 2 breech versions, it was (almost) a cake walk.

Kat said...

Hi Trisha. Wow that sounds rough. I got your blog from Tamaras. We have one too if you want to check it out.