I'll talk about my pregnancy first, and then I'll mention some 20 month Parker stuff.
I look over at the sidebar and see "39 Days Left" of this pregnancy. Wow. It hasn't been an easy pregnancy for me, but it sure seems like the time flies by so fast when you have a toddler to look after! I was pretty nauseated and vomitty with this pregnancy until about 18 weeks or so. THANK goodness to Zofran! I didn't have much access to zofran last pregnancy and this pregnancy I did and I'm so so thankful as it literally helped me to survive! I don't know what I would have done without it. Possibly died. haha. Anyways, starting at 19 weeks I started having contractions this time around. With Parker this didn't start until about 29 weeks or so. By contractions I mean at least 20 in a day or more and sometimes it'll go on for 5-6 hours having contractions regularly every 3 minutes or so. This is what I mean by contractions.
For those that don't know or remember, I went into preterm labor with Parker at 33 weeks and had to be put on bedrest. This time around I've been having to do progesterone shots once a week since 20 weeks. Darrin has been giving me these thick, painful shots in the bum every week-what a sweet hubby :). I've also been taking "niphedipine" as needed for contractions. I'm not going to sit here and complain about every detail but it's been hard!
BUT I've been SO blessed! I've been threatened with bedrest for a while, but I'm OFF THE HOOK this time around which is SUCH a blessing! All the shots and meds paid off! I started dialating at 32 weeks but not enough to make my doctor confine me. Thank you Dr. Watts! Just as a reference at 33 weeks I was dialated to a full 1 cm and 60% and still got off the hook. I'm so grateful for this.
-I'm grateful I'm still pregnant.
-I'm greatful to feel my baby be SO super active. I swear that this baby is way more active than Parker which is great because I'm constantly being reassured that he's healthy and well :).
-I'm grateful to be having another little boy that I can care for and love. I'm excited (don't get me wrong-there's terrified feelings too!) to meet him, get to know him, see Parker and him interact etc.
-I'm grateful (again-also some terrified of the unknown) to be able to experience the birth experience again. I don't know how it will go down this time opposed to last time, but I do know what a BEAUTIFUL, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING feeling comes from birthing a baby. I can't wait to see how this time goes-hopefully smoothly and calmly!
-I'm grateful for an amazing husband who's been there with me every step of the way for BOTH of my pregnancies! He's very supportive and sweet. He also doesn't make me feel like a fat cow, but he's always commenting on how beautiful I am which I am so grateful for. The last thing I want or need is to feel more pig like than I do. But he helps me to see that having stretch marks, sags, bulkiness everywhere, and a popped out belly button is a miracle-we're having a baby!
-I am SO grateful for the MIRACLE of LIFE itself. God has BLESSED me with the ability to have children and what an amazing, wonderful experience it is and I feel SO PRIVILEGED!
-I am grateful for a loving family who checks up on me and cares about me!
-I am grateful for supportive friends I have who are willing to babysit and help out in any way. I have such wonderful friends!
-I am grateful for the comfort I feel when I pray about concerns I have. I just know that everything is going to work out. Everything. What an amazing comfort this is that I know comes from Heaven above.
I have A LOT to be grateful for! We will see when this little guy decides to come out and play. But I'm pretty much in the clear now to have a healthy baby. He may wait to come until my due date, April 5th-we'll see but however and whenever it happens, I'm grateful for it to be happening and know that I will have Darrin, family, friends and my Savior with me every step of the way for this beautiful experience.
Here's the most recent prego pictures that I have. I need to update as I'm getting bigger by the minute!
29 weeks:
31 Weeks:
Now, onto my Parker boy! Here he is at 20 months old:
Here is some stuff about Parker at 20 months:
His favorite sayings are:
•“Aww Man!” (he says this while playing bball, if someone takes a toy from him and he starts crying, and in other situations too . It’s so funny when he says this!)
•“Score” when he makes a basket
•He’s great at saying “peese” and signing please at the same time
•He says “Helf” (help) although usually he needs reminding on this one and we tell him to ask for it when he’s frustrated which happens often.
•He loves to go into the bathroom, get his stool up by the sink and say, “wa” (water) or “Hands?” because he wants to play in the sink with the water/wash his hands
•When it’s time to go outside or down some stairs he says, “Hand?” because he wants you to hold his hand (so cute!)
•Anytime we put shoes and socks on him he wont stop saying “bye, bye?” until we go
•He says “ok” more and more now
•He loves to point to pictures and say “Mama” when he sees one of Mom and “Dada” if he sees one of Dad. He calls himself “bubu” in pictures :)
•He can also recognize and say “Jesus”
•He can say “pray” and folds his arms, and sometimes he’ll even repeat some of the words in prayers while we pray which is so precious!
•He loves to hide something and say, “where’d it go??”
•Parker will lay on blankets or get a stuffed animal and say, “nigh, nigh” and pretend to go to sleep. :)
•He can count “one, two” all by himself and he’s getting to three-hard to understand that one though.
•He says “away!” when he’s putting things away whether that be Tupperware he got out, shoes and socks, books, toys etc. He likes to get them all out and then say, “away!” and put them all back.
•He’ll bring you a book and either say, “book!” or “read!” when he wants to sit with you and read it.
•When he can’t get to something or it’s hard to get he’ll say “stuck!” over and over
•He’ll say, “want it” when he wants something or “some?”
•When Parker knows he shouldn’t be doing something he’ll say “no, no, no!”
•If Parker thinks something or someone is funny he’ll let you know by saying, “shilly, shilly!”
•Parker will say, “weeee” if something is exhilaratingly fun :)
•Parker loves cars and says “Vroom!!” excitedly with cars he’s either playing with or sees. If it sounds like a big car he’ll usually say, “truck!”
•Parker LOVES to look at and read books and point out things that he knows in them like, “flower”, “ball”, “bear”, “star”, “hat”, “shoes”, etc!
•Parker loves to give others TICKLES! He will tickle you (especially mommy and daddy) and say, “tickle, tickle, tickle!” So fun and cute!
•He says so many more things too like “books, shoes, socks, fun!, funny, wow!, uh oh!, sad, hurt, on/off for the light, potty etc! These are not nearly all the things he can say, just what I can think of off the top of my head. But he can also repeat almost any word! We sure love hearing this kid talk more and more!
•When Parker disobeys, hits, throws toys at others, etc. he needs to go to timeout. So, Mom or Dad say “uh oh-you chose to go to timeout” and he’ll take himself to his room and sit down on the floor all by himself! When he’s done with timeout he’s usually pretty good at hugging the person he hurt/disobeyed.
•If you made a facial expression at Parker he’ll usually try and make it back at you which makes for some fun entertainment!
•Parker is terrified of sitting on the big potty even with the toddler insert we have for it. I guess he’s afraid he’ll fall in?
•Parker will take people’s fingers and try to help them up now. Haha. He pulls and pulls!
•Parker LOVES, LOVES, LOVES ‘ring around the rosies’. It’s so cute to play it with him or watch him do it himself or with other kids. Mommy’s getting pretty big and tired to play it now that she only has 6 weeks left until baby brother comes, but she tries anyways.
•Parker will try and copy most songs actions when singing with mommy. He does pretty well with “Itsy bitsy Spider”, “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”, “where is thumpkin” (and when he puts his hands behind his back or I do when I’m singing he’ll say “where’d he go??”), and “pat a cake”
•Parker knows where a lot of his body parts are including: hair, head, eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, chin, mouth, teeth, belly button, knees, feet, hands, fingers, toes and armpit!
•Parker is so cooperative with brushing his teeth! Mommy sings him the whole alphabet song while she brushes his teeth each night and he just lets her brush away! What a great kid you are Parker!
•In the past month we’ve taken Parker to a BOUNCY HOUSE with the Waddoups family. Parker LOVES it there and could play there all day! He loves the slides and playing with his bouncy daddy all over the place. It was so much fun to watch them and watch Parker be SO SO happy!
There you have it-my little boy is growing up so fast and I'm trying to soak up every minute I have with him!