You just turned one year old and I can hardly believe how time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time. The long awaited moment that I was so eager for. You looked at me with those big brown eyes and I felt so in awe, and knew right then and now that I have been blessed with such an amazing gift---you. I have the privilege of being your Mom. And what an amazing privilege and honor it is. Ever since I can remember, I have wanted a family of my own. And here we are-a little family. You are my first little baby, Parker and I will always love you and remember our time together. I have enjoyed getting to spend time with you and getting to know your little personality that is beginning to shine. You’re not always so easy with your sneaky messes, your shrilly screams, and how you somehow can find the power button on ANYTHING, BUT you are SO much fun and SO worth it all!
As I have reviewed the pictures from the past year, and watched the slideshow of pictures your Aunt Heidi put together for you for your birthday, tears come to my eyes as I am overwhelmed with love for you and the many amazing experiences and moments of pure love and joy that I have experienced with you. You bring so much happiness, peace and sunshine into my life. You are so sweet, so funny, and so talented.
I listen to the pitter patter of your little hands and feet against the floor and think of all the many memories and milestones to come. You are growing up into such a handsome little boy Parker and I’m so excited to see what you grow up to be and do! I’m sure you will do great things! I will try and cherish all the time I have with you, to cherish all of our precious memories together. I will try and be the best Mom I can to you-to teach right from wrong, to teach you how to pray, to teach you to share, to teach you to serve and to teach you to be respectful of others. I hope that I can help you fulfill your dreams and desires. I hope that you will grow up loving life and making good decisions. I love you more than I can express in a letter. So, I will just have to kiss your little face, your little hands and feet every day and tell you how much I adore you and love you!
With love,
Your Mommy
P.S. Please start to walk soon because you are getting really heavy-that would be great :)!
-At one year old Parker is pulling up onto everything possible, but not quite walking yet.
-He just started crawling rather than army crawling and he's doing great!
-He has started to say "ball" (his first real word) and that's his favorite toy!
-He says ma-ma now, but only when he is crying :(.
-He's so excited to see Darrin when he get's home which is so cute to see!
-He signs milk, hat, baby, more, eat, dog and he just signed cat for the first time the other day!
-He makes the vrrr sound for cars when he's playing with them and he also makes that sound when he sees a fan!
-He now has 8 teeth! 4 on top and 4 on the bottom
-He is 23lbs. (50th%) and 31" (90th%)
-He loves swimming/splashing, playing with balls especially, pulling up on everything, pretending like he's talking on the phone, playing with cars, being outside, watching signing time, and he loves his family!
-We love having Parker in our little family and are so excited he turned 1!
Pictures from lately (we've been VERY busy with lots of fun things!)(pictures are backwards in order of how they happened fyi...):
Awww - precious! Can't wait to see him - and you today!!
Such a sweet letter that Parker will cherish forever. You are so lucky to have the oppurtunity to be a mommy to this special fun little guy. He is so much fun. One day you should bring him over and we will go to the pool and baby pool
Wow, it's been a YEAR! Crazy!!! What a darling boy you've got! Such a sweet letter to him :) Happy Birthday, Parker!!!
Man time goes so fast, huh? He is so cute. And you just wait. In 6 months, he will be a totally different kid. Jacob really just started doing everything all at once! It is so fun! I am sure Parker will be a little smarty... you are doing a great job!!
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