First off, Spencer got his first bee sting. Not too terrible, but super sad for him!
Second, we went four wheeling. Darrin and I went first while Brady and Melissa watched our kids. It was delightful! We drove out to see the sunset and it was gorgeous! We also saw some cows and beautiful forest along the way. When we got back we traded places and we watched Lincoln while they went 4-wheeliing. A while later Brady came back to camp yelling that he needed Darrin's help and that Melissa had fallen off the ATV. He said she was ok but I was freaking out. It got reeeeallly dark and our battery in our camper had died. I was left with the 3 young kids and the only light we had was the fire. They all got pretty tired pretty fast and I was just so so worried about Melissa. They were gone for about 1.5 hours in the pitch black. I had no idea what was going on. They all made it back safely thank goodness! Melissa was really sore but ok and they were working that whole time on getting the 4 wheeler out. It had fallen down the hill a ways and got stuck between two trees. Pretty scary! I am just so grateful Melissa is ok!
Third, that nights sleep was terrible! I usually don't get a great nights sleep with Parker and Spencer in the camper. There's something about being in a camper that makes them wake up a lot. I was up at least 7 times putting Spencer back down, helping Parker to go potty or telling him to go back to sleep.
Fourth, on the way back home we heard a pop! It was the tire of the camper that blew out. We pulled over to take a look. The tire was shredded even though we immediately pulled over. The boys were both sleeping in the truck which normally would be a good thing but all the tire changing equipment was under their seat. So, we had to wake them up, remove car seats and get the stuff out to change the tires. All things considering the kids were well behaved while we got to work in the blazing hot sun on the side of the road. Luckily we had WD-40 to help losen the rusted lugnuts. Darrin and I worked well together as a team and finished replacing the destroyed tire with the spare. Back on the road again until Darrin noticed something flapping on the camper. We pulled over again. The thing flapping wasn't a big deal but Darrin noticed the new space tire looked low. So we gauged it. 2psi. Practically no air. Luckily we had an air compressor that hooks up to the cigarette lighter. But the cord was too short to reach. So we had to unhook the truck from the trailer, pull it close to the camper, fill the tire, and re-hook everything back up. On the road again. Two hours later. I will say though, it could have been A LOT worse. The blessings in this trial were our kids were pretty good, we had all the tools we needed (miracle!), Darrin is awesome, and we didn't have anywhere to be :). So, an adventure.
Honestly though, overall, it was still a lot of fun! I love being in the wilderness for a day or two. The pure peace found there is exquisite.