I forgot to post that we bought a camper this winter! We got it for a great deal (they are a lot cheaper in the winter). The outside is kind of a piece of trash (but hey-then we don't have to worry so much about it getting damaged :)) but the inside is great! Wood floor, new cieling, new matress, new stove/oven, new microwave, new curtains and cushion coverings etc. We've taken it out twice so far and we are LOVING it!!! Can I just say how amazing it is to only have to pack our clothes and food? Everything else is pre-packed in the camper! And how AMAZING it is to have running water, electricity and a stovetop! What a beautiful feeling it was to wake up this last weekend in our camper and make hot chocolate in the comfort of our own camper? PLUS, Parker has taken naps in it like we're home-it's fantastic. Pure BLISS I tell you. Ok, off my tangent and how wonderful and fun it has been, and onto telling about our trips:
We went camping with my family on memorial weekend to Mapleton Canyon which is where we camp every memorial weekend. It was great to be with family, have a camper and just have a good time.
This past weeked we camped at Vernon Reservoir. It was beautiful! We did tin foil dinners for dinner, pancakes for breakfast and then went
geocaching! Have you ever been? It's fun-there are caches hidden everywhere! You just have to know where to look...
And on a side note-my little baby is almost 1 YEAR OLD! Can you believe it? I sure can't. Last weekend we went out and did a 1 year old photo shoot-pictures soon to come-I can't wait to see them!
Here are some pics from camping:
Pictures at Mapleton Canyon

Vernon Reservoir pictures:

And this is what happened when we got home: