Well, as some of you might have heard and MANY of you probably haven't, Darrin and I are opening a salon! Can you believe it?! I know-neither can I. Haha. Anyways, what happened is about two weeks ago Darrin's mom called and told us that they (meaning his parents) are refinancing their house and so if we'd like to buy a salon they'd loan us the money. WOW. That came as a total surprise to me. Darrin and I have talked about wanting to own a salon (and in the future more than one) for quite a while. But I don't remember ever mentioning this to my mother in law. But I guess Darrin did once.
So, anyways, here is this new opportunity staring us in the face. My first impression was to laugh and say, "ya...right. Us owning a salon right now. HAHAHA. That's the last thing we can handle let alone afford!" But then we couldn't stop thinking about it and Darrin started to do a ton of research into it and then we couldn't stop talking about it. So, Darrin found a building for a salon for lease in Ogden and wanted to go look at it. So, needless to say we did go look at it (it can't hurt to look...right?) It was super out-dated and needed HELP though. So, the landlord said if we signed the lease he'd do the renovations we wanted. We talked about it, prayed about it, went to the temple etc. In the end we felt pretty good about signing the lease.
So right now we are SUPER busy picking out colors, furniture, flooring and walls. I'm finding it hard to visualize so I hope it'll all come together! So, the purpose of getting the salon in Ogden is so that it doesn't compete with my Salt Lake Salon. I will still be working from home most of the time in Salt Lake and we'll be finding stylists to work in the Ogden salon. So, basically the Ogden salon is a franchise of my salon. Same name. Same website (www.StrikingImageSalon.com). Same prices etc.
The landlords obviously want us to start paying them asap, so they plan on having all of the renovations done by June 15th!! AHHHHHH-is what that makes me say! That's so soon! So needless to say I'm pretty stressed (yet very excited!) about getting all of this done in SUCH a short amount of time.
If you know of anyone who lives in the Ogden area be sure to let them know to come visit Striking Image Salon! And if you are a stylist or know of one who lives in that area or not too far have them give me a call!
I'm really grateful for the opportunity and I hope it works out! I do know though that the Lord will help us through this brand new page in our lives.